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#CCCChallenges – The ‘Countryside’ entries!

#CCCChallenges – The ‘Countryside’ entries!

It’s time to share some beautiful submissions of yours. As you probably know by now, we host a creative challenge for each month’s Vintage Craft Box named the #CCCChallenges. After our shop owner Coralie selects four finalists, it’s up to you, our followers on Instagram to decide who wins the contest. So here are the selected entries that our customers submitted for the July theme, „Countryside”! 

In this article you will find the four finalists from 4th to 1st place. You can read Coralie’s opinion about these entries and why she selected them. So let’s see the runner-ups and the winner for the #CCCCountrysideChallenge!

4th place: Tatiana (@iolandatatiana)

“I love that Tatiana reused the tissue paper of the box for the background of her spread and added watercolor. The mix of colors is just stunning. I also love the added details in the top left and right corners with the houses/manors and the round stamped cards.”

You can check the original work here!


3rd place: Mary (@maryemagnolia)

“I love the collage style of this spread. Mary managed to combine a lot of elements and not make it look too crowded. I love the combination of very vintage, with some highly distressed elements and papers and the colorful pieces contrasting with it.”

You can check the original work here!


2nd place: Alice (@aliceberselli2)

“So much creativity went into this little project and I always love a good upcycling project. Alice used an old coffee box and transformed it into a beautiful country themed little box along with cute snail mail elements.”

You can check the original video with all the details of this work here!


1st place, our winner is: Alex (@thejournalingalex)

“I love this horizontal journal page created by Alex, and the fun superposition of cottages and houses from the box supplies to create the effect of a small village, with girls walking around the streets. The whole spread really makes you travel in place and time .”

You can check the original work here!

Congratulations to all the participants and thank you so much for joining our monthly challenge! Stay tuned for the upcoming #CCCChallenge features and don’t forget to join our friendly contest if you have our vintage craft supplies subscription boxes! If not, it’s never too late to join us – you can choose your preferred subscription plan over here!

We are thankful to the creators for providing their photos about their works for us!